so it's up to the victims to go to the police ? I mean a gang of bank robbers won't volunteer to give up information. why doesn't the law chase this ? I don't see why the church needs to do anything.
in NY a couple years back there was a news item about a moyle that licked the blood from a circumcision, it killed the baby because the moyle had herpes. now it seems to me the moyle must have known he had herpes so that in my mind was criminal transmission of an STD. I never heard any resolution of that.
the police don't wait around to investigate if black gangs are selling crack, they are pro-active to the point of breaking the civil rights of people who live in poor black communities illegal search and seizure and all.
it seems like people just don't want to know or believe there is a problem.
my post was 04-02-2010, 06:28 PM so I'm not shure if your joking ...did you see a glitch on the date ?
Last edited by boink; 04-03-2010 at 04:53 PM..