Lots of WHARRRGARBL in this thread, but I just wanted to add this:
The reports of "violence" were unsubstantiated rumors spread via Twitter and Ezra Levant's blog. Hogwash. There were even reports of a table being flipped over, which was spread via twitter to drum up "evidence" that the protest was "violent" (it wasn't, at any point).
The U of O talk was poorly organized from the start... Booking Coulter into a hall that was too small to contain the talk, even based on conservative (heh) attendance estimates.
The organizers didn't provide enough manpower to check that those who arrived for the talk were actually registered (you had to pay a fee to listen to her rant... gross).
The cops basically came out and said they advised the organizers to cancel due to their sheer inability to manage only letting those in who had registered.
The whole U of O debacle can be blamed on poor planning by the Conservative party staffers who organized it.... NOT on the peaceful student protest that occurred (rightfully so, given the things she has said about Canada). Everything else surrounding the event, the controversy, the HRC complaint by Coulter, is just one huge publicity stunt that has been spun by her supporters.
Anyone really think Ann Coulter cares about free speech?
"They're [Democrats] always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let's do it. Let's repress them. Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the First Amendment." - Ann Coulter
Really, I would have rather she spoke, and everyone just ignored her (like I have, up until this point - these are the only pixels I will spill over that harpy).
In closing, I feel like it was an awful lot of ruckus over a law that nobody is ever charged with. Anyone shedding tears for Mr. Keegstra? Didn't think so.