Especially since one of their most successful agents provocateur, Hal Turner, was just outed a few months ago?
Fuglystick, others, here's the thing about Mr. Turner. This guy was on the radio for 10+ years, [i]being paid by the FBI for the specific purpose of egging people on to violence and lawbreaking. That was his job. You paid for this inbred to try and turn people towards violence so the FBI could arrest them or flip them into informants. Mr Turner has admitted all of this in open court. His role as an agent provocateur is a matter of public record.[i]
You can't just say "The Feds don't do that!" when the Feds just admitted to doing it and paraded their agent (do-er) before the world.
As for the SPLC, PUH-LEEZE. Morris "Sleaze" Dees has been seeing Klansmen under his bed (and bilking similarly terrified morons out of their money) for twenty years. His entire fortune (which is considerable) and the political clout of his organization (which is considerable) depend entirely upon dreaming up crises involving legions of "haters" who are out to kill every kike, nigger, papist, and spic they can find. The problem is that the SPLC includes pretty much anyone to the right of John Lennon or Bobby Seale on these lists of "hate groups" and "haters" because, after all, More Haters = Sacrier. Scarier = More Money. I trust the SPLC and ADL about as far as I can throw Mark Potok. They are professional fearmongers and liars, nothing more and a great deal less.
It's a leftist gravy train in the same vein as the John Birch Society on the right, except with a somewhat less tenuous connection to reality.