Originally Posted by Flypaper
that was fucking awesome man..........nicely done.
and as for the kids i yell at and freak out on,they happen to be grown up folk.
see,i live on the Fraser river right,and there is a 7.2 km trail that runs the dyke system here,and the people that want to walk the trails,have ample parking...yet they still wanna park on my fucking front lawn.
so on a daily basis,i yell at the "kids" too.
........and i fucking like punk music too biatch!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Hehe, you said dyke.
Oh what a hard fucking life you lead fly. "Booo hooo, I live near a river with hiking trails! Damn nature people park on my lawn, I is so SAD!" I bet your lawn is the size of most of the parks around here.
You might like punk music, but a punk rocker you are not. Not with that ridiculous picture you posted in the Fun Zone thread, Farmer Fly.
Originally Posted by Green Acres Theme
Fly's living on a farm you see,
Ass spreadin' out so far and wide
Keep your toilets, just give me that countryside.
Originally Posted by Krispy.Fried.Punk
What do you really have to bitch or be pissed off about?
I ask that question about most punk/metal/"hardcore" bands. Most of the time they don't have shit to be pissed off about, they just know "angry" rock sells more to the hot topic crowd.
I wish people just went back to making music because they want too, not because they want to be in a nickleback song.