Originally Posted by Jinn
SVU is the most underrated gun in the game. I got it and 4 hours later I had 280 kills and 74 headshots. It's so fucking accurate with 4x (sniper rifle, after all) but damage is out of this world. Two to three hit kills. I don't even worry about people with m60s now. Fastest kill in the game.
That's strange because the
Chart lists it as a virtual clone of the T88 with a different reload time.
Personally as a recon I'm quite a fan of using various rifles with Red Dots if I'm playing Rush and sticking with my squadmates. It doesn't have quite the street-sweeping spampower of the various shotguns but a guaranteed instant kill at ordinary combat ranges is NOT something to sneeze at. Even the T88/etc are quite good if you've got a steady hand since they do damage on the scale of the 1911.
I'm still curous about the stats and behavior though. There has to be some kind of substantive difference between several weapons that are listed by those numbers as being clones. It's most pronounced with the shotguns, which are listed as being literal clones of each other except for reloading time and semi/auto.