I'm not sure about the relationship between the first and second issues. Yes, something needs to be done about illegal immigration. Part of it is making immigration easier, as there is a clear labor shortage in certain sectors. Yes, something needs to be done about the drug cartels, and I generally think that legalization of drugs would go a long way towards that.
But the idea that any of those things make Roger Barnett's actions justified is bullshit. He didn't stop drug lords or anything like that. And he didn't simply stop them and waited for the border patrol.
This guy is a douchebag who once held and threatened US-born Mexican-Americans and their three children. In this particular case, people like to say that he was sued simply because he stopped the immigrants. That is false. Most of the charges and lawsuits were dropped or dismissed. All of the charges related to the violation of civil rights were dismissed. He was found guilty of assault. And you know why? Because he kicked a woman while she was on the ground. Catching someone entering the country illegally is not a pass to treat them however you please.