Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Ah, but that is the rub. The need to protect someone from hearing offensive speech can not infringe on one's right to make that offensive speech.
Even if you have good intentions or even alternate intentions, it still can't infringe on unalienable rights. Again, right to end one's life? Yes? No? Otherwise, I'm arguing based on an unfair assumption of you.
But I have a problem with your premise. The "I have the right to kill myself slooooowly" argument isn't the same as an argument for the right to commit suicide (as in immediately taking one's life). It's murky. It's like saying we're all committing suicide by living in large cities because we might get lung cancer and heart disease from the pollution.
Again, the smokers, drinkers, gamblers, and tanners aren't barred from doing their thing. They just have to pay more for it because the likelihood that someone among them will require medical/social services related to their activity is rather high and well-documented.