Wow ... I really admire you people with plans, really. My goals have always been short term and pretty much what others have to do in order to live in the 21st century. Finish high school-check, get apartment-check, finish college-errr ...
It's actually not that difficult to be a jack of all trades bastid. Why have you not looked at the tertiary industry i.e. finance, banking, accounting in the various fields of you professional incline? Want to be a councilor/counselor, politician, lawyer or social worker in such a field? Don't have the certifications necessary? Then start a business and manage it in that particular field. Do you have to be a lawyer to start a law firm? Do you have to be a social worker to start a counseling service for the "poly" community? You can always do what you want to do regardless of certifications if you can find a proper workforce.
This is pretty much what I'm gonna end up doing as soon as I get out of college 2 years fom now.