Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Okay, a slightly related tangent - do you believe a person has a ~right~ to take their own life?
Interesting question, but I fail to see the point of it.
Originally Posted by dogzilla
Maybe it's a question of semantics for socialism vs nanny state, but I sure see these taxes as a way for the government to try to protect people from themselves, i.e. nanny state.
How is making tanning 10% more expensive protecting people from it? How is making cigarettes, gambling, and alcohol more expensive protecting people? Have these industries disappeared? Are people no longer addicted to smoking, gambling, and alcohol?
If it were truly a case of "nanny state" politics, tanning beds (in addition to those other products) would have been banned. I have a difficult time accepting it as a strong case for such. I think it's tenuous at best.