My question, though, is this: does treason truly need action?
No. The US Constitution specifically defines Treason as either actively making war against the United States, or adhering to the enemies thereof in a declared war. Article 3, Section 3.
Anyway, I don't see how the government action in this case was in anyway an incitement. It was a reaction to evidence.
We don't know that yet. If this action was encouraged, financed, or facilitated by an
agent provocateur as has happened in the past, that person needs to suffer the severest punishment, along with whomever was "running" them. If this -was- a case of violent wackos moments or days away from executing what was known to be an unprovoked attack of which they were capable and for which they had the means, I applaud the efforts of Law Enforcement in this case. Such people need to be interdicted and dealt with, by one means or another. However, given the history of the past several administrations and the complacency of the national media throughout, I remain skeptical.