Originally Posted by Craven Morehead
I'm thinking discrimination for other reasons. I can understand the reasoning behind the tax on tanning, however isn't tanning the only unhealthy activity to specifically be taxed in this bill? As mentioned before alcohol and tobacco are taxed already but not specifically due to their impact on the nation's health care cost. Should they be? I see no reason, why not. If tanning is, why not beer and cigarettes? To take it a step further, what about obesity? Certainly smoking and obesity have far greater health care implications than tanning. So why is this practice being discriminated against, and not others....
The bill that was enacted last year that raised the federal cigarette/tobacco tax from 39 cents/pack to $1/pack earmarks the funds directly to expand SCHIP to cover an additional 3-4 million kids of working class families.
It is a regressive tax that impacts low income smokers far more than high income smokers...and it is one of the few regressive taxes I support because it provides health care to kids of those low-moderate income smokers.