Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Since you brought it up, suppose a particular hair relaxer was known to be carcinogenic and the government added an additional 10% tax on it. This tax would almost exclusively target black women. Do you think there would be outrage? ACLU, Jessie, and Al? Does it really matter who the demographic is?
Well, the FDA or somebody would probably pull it off the market, is what would happen. Which might be what should happen with tanning salons. Hiking their tax is a "the genie is out of the bottle" solution--they can't just prohibit tanning (can you imagine the market in illicit tanning beds that would spring up??), but they can cause some trickle-down price increases to discourage people from tanning.
I'll say, when I read about the tax on tanning salons, it did strike me as somewhat... specific. I guess in principle it's no different from taxing cigarettes special at retail, and presumably somebody could produce a study indicating a high health care cost associated with the tanning industry....
I dunno. I'm not sure I'm for this particular tax. To make the argument that it's sexist/racist, though, is just dumb.
Now would be a good time to invest in bronzer manufacturers. Sales in Jersey alone are going to SKY ROCKET!