Originally Posted by Anonymous Member
Personally, for me, if I wanted to get in to a fight with someone, it's not because of a senseless reason like what cyn just posted.
it could just be some twenty something on the internet talking shit about my background, calling me a hick, insulting my taste in music, telling me I'm stupid, making assumptions about my sex life, making assumptions about my endowment, calling me fat, calling me a faggot, doing everything within their power to try and hurt me with words, in a public venue hiding behind anonymity that doesn't exist because I know who the person is.
Anon, reread those two sentences. I think you'll find that you listed a large number of senseless reasons.
There's a tasteless picture regarding arguing on the internet. I dislike the cruelty of the message, but it might help you out here, so I will include it nonetheless.
Finally, what are you doing visiting webforums where people insult your mother and your dick size?