Originally Posted by Jetée
What helps me sleep at night is actually proving this supposedly "factual" demographic of penis-size is, to utilize a term I haven't used in at least 15 years, utterly bogus. There is a fairly high percentage of women both in the US, UK, and abroad, that I've heard don't even wear the correct bra size. Condom size to males is also along the same lines, in that, "if it works, and doesn't suppress the feeling by too much, I'll keep using this one".
Actually, their methodology is pretty interesting. They sell the same style of condom in seventy-six (yes, 76) different sizes based on length and width. They have a
measuring kit online. The measuring kit does not have results in normal inches or centimeters; they use random combinations of letters and numbers, so that you do not fixate on the "number" of your size. And when you look at the final chart to figure out which to buy, it is listed "long" to "longer", and "wide" to "wider".
Is this press release in fact just a marketing tool for these condoms? Yes. But, the science is pretty decent. Sample size of 27,000 people, which is decent. The only statistical criticism I can come up with off the start is a self-selection bias for people who have felt uncomfortable with off the shelf condoms, but that could be both "too big" and "too small", so I think that's not a big factor.