Originally Posted by Daniel_
But a Dalek is a living creature in a travelling machine. Seeing as you've used mythical creatures and non naked creatures, I felt that a Dalek would (just about) fit your paradigm. 
Yeah, I understand your contention. But as to point out the "mythical creatures", dragons and triceratops
used to be considering living animals, and while I try to stay true to my original premise of, at least, featuring a beauteous woman topless, I also do realize that not everyone will be able to encounter a nude woman hugging her pet monkey; (pictured below) so I try to lead by example. And, as I initially stated somewhere in my OP or following shortly thereafter, I'd rather those who contribute find and feature only "live" animals, (at the time of the photograph's shot) as opposed to some random naked stranger posing alongside
Smokey the Bear, or
Donkey Kong. But, I do think creative-licensing is there for those who are willing to exploit it, so I do appreciate the "interestingness" factor attributed to those sort of off-kilter pictures, but I'd not like to make them commonplace here.
And to further address, I did find your post very chuckle-worthy, Daniel_, and well worth the humorous effect, but for any future features, I'd rather not re-address the difference between technological automatons, and biological members of the animal kingdom. For that, we (meaning me, overcoming my procrastinator's anxiety, and then further finding at least five more examples thereof) may be soon in need of a new topic:
distressed damsels vs. depressed and/or unfeeling robots (killer or not)"