Hooray for California!! Me and my friends all live in Ohio. Here's a snippet of their situation:
Three friends I know who have cancer and are sick & tired of finding dealers on the street to help them score pot. They have advanced stages and it illeviates the pain and the depression (and helps them have a little appetite, which gives them strength to eat and keep food down) and they feel that the pot treatment is a lot better than the Rxs that the Doctors give them which cost 4 times - at least- more then those prescribed by the big drug companies who own the USA and upset their stomachs and cause serious "side effects"....
Some of them aren't covered by ANY insurance due to that so-called "pre-existing condition" called cancer.
"I need compassion, understanding and chocolate." - NJB
Last edited by hunnychile; 03-27-2010 at 01:58 PM..