Originally Posted by timalkin
Marijuana legalization will shrink the illegal drug market. Right now, the market is big enough for the cartels to operate in a more or less civil manner because the pie is big enough for everyone to get a piece.
Ummm, ever watch the news? If you have you'd know they are already fighting and guess what? Pot isn't even leagal yet, so throw that theory of yours out the window.
Mexican Drug War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
or connected to that
2009 Vancouver gang war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If marijuana is legalized, it will be more widely available than it currently is. The dealers aren't going to simply look for legitimate jobs, but instead will target those groups who aren't able to purchase the newly-legalized drugs: children. Dealers will either buy the legalized marijuana from legal sources and sell it to children at a higher price, or grow/smuggle their own and sell it to children at a higher profit.
Umm again, this is already going on, I mean you're trying to blame legalizing weed for things that are already going and have been for years.