Originally Posted by flat5
"Marijuana does cause motor impairment but it also makes people very cautious. A marijuana smoker is much less likely to drive than someone under the influence of alcohol or a cell phone."
I strongly disagree. Pot does not increase your common sense. It does decrease your peripheral vision. It does decrease reaction time. It will not help you to keep your mind on the road if you are not so inclined.
I believe my life was once saved because the driver was the only one in the van who was not high. His action required good side vision and fast reaction to an event.I will never forget that fact.
I think you may have misread what he wrote. It doesn't really have anything to do with "common sense". Essentially, a smoker is less likely to drive because of paranoia, as in he/she is afraid of something like being pulled over or possibly a fender bender. So, yes, motor abilities are impaired, but it would not likely matter since that person is less inclined to even want to drive.
That is very true fly and I agree with that. My main problem with it is, when does it become an "illness" like alcoholism has become? When do we start having people on disability (I know you can't get it because of drinking, but I personally know people on it because of drinking health problems they lied about) because they have smoked so much weed that they "Can't help it, I *can't* stop if I wanted too" crap we hear from heavy drinkers/smokers. When does it become another excuse for people to do nothing with their lives because of this now legal drug.
Marijuana is not physically addictive. So, it's unlikely to become an "illness".
Surprised at the amount of pot users here. Huh. To me, pot users have always been stupid and lazy. I've never been proved wrong as of yet, I've never met a user I liked as a person. Not saying any of you on TFP are, I'm just saying I've never met anyone who doesn't exhibit bad qualities.
I am neither stupid nor lazy. I only got a little bit into smoking because of my ex-girlfriend. She is also neither stupid nor lazy. Both of us actually hate being called those with a passion. And, we both make absolute sure we are being productive or we have something planned for when we do. The reason why we do it? It makes things more enjoyable/tolerable.
And, yes, I am for the legalization of marijuana. It would be a great source of tax revenue.