Originally Posted by silent_jay
Originally Posted by ottopilot
You're sometimes quick to slam the US
Are you new to the forum? Have you seen some of the nutjobs we have post here from the US? Pretty easy to make fun of it really, just thankful I'm smart enough to not base my opinions of all Americans on some of their posts.
Yes I've been here... and didn't need to look farther than this very thread to back up my statement:
Originally Posted by silent_jay
...and maybe you don't know seeing as you're American, we have laws against hate speech here...
... and in your last post:
you guys have way more crazies who are looking for blood than we do, have fun with them, looks enjoyable.
Originally Posted by silent_jay
Really this is dumped back in my lap, again that's too bad, you're not very good at this game, maybe go back to schoo land try again.
I'm not familiar with this "Schoo Land" you speak of. Is it a magical land of poor spelling and zero sense of humor? I appreciate the recommendation, but I'll pass.
Originally Posted by silent_jay
...they're hoping for a nude pic of the vagina on a stick.
Poor Mr. Coulter.
Originally Posted by silent_jay
Threatened her, naw she wasn't threatened, she was just treated like she seems to think MUslims should be treated.....like shit.
Threats end once they become actions. They showed up and demonstrated hostile intent. Is an opinion really justification for terroristic behavior? Is this another example of liberal (in)tolerance?
As for blood thirsty mobs, we keep the dk's of Canada under control
Sounds like freedom prevails in this utopia you imagine. I suspect there are far more Canadians that value equal rights without divisively ambiguous definitions of free speech.