Micro-sculptor Willard Wigan, known all around the world for his miniature sculptures that are invisible
to the naked eye, launched a new exhibition of his near-inexplicably intricate works in London's Museum Street.
Willard uses tiny homemade tools and paints with a hair plucked from a housefly's back and carves
microscopic figures from grains of rice or sand or sugar. The sculptures, which often take months to
complete, are then mounted on pin heads or needles.
Pictured is a miniature sculpture of the US President Barack Obama and his family.
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a short film on his life's work and ambition:
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and a parting gallery to view more of his painstaking,
unbelievable, and huge, tiny accomplishments:

Williard Wigan recently visited Prince George's Community
College to discuss his works of art, many of which fit inside
the head of a sewing needle. An exhibition of his works called
"Art in the Eye of a Needle: Micro-sculpture by Willard Wigan"
(was) on display at the Parish Gallery in Georgetown in January of 2010.