Originally Posted by Redlemon
Will pot lose some of its allure if it is legalized? (I've never smoked anything, but I'm curious about the perception.)
Does a cold beer taste any less awesome now that you're of age to buy it legally?
---------- Post added at 11:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------
You will have to excuse me. After staying up for 48 hrs, I tend to think in bullet points:
- You'd think that broke-ass California would be all for legalizing marijuana as it would make for a helluva source of tax revenue.
- As it is, money flows out of California and in to Mexico.
- Drugs and violence flow out of Mexico and in to California.
- Legalize marijuana, create a new industry/jobs, and suddenly everyone's buying American. And Papa Johns.
- If everyone's buying American, all those dick Cartels will have one less source of revenue.
Oh, and
shit like this won't happen anymore.