I am on the fence on this law. Yes, I've smoked my fair share of pot. I spent 5 years in a hazy cloud during my college years. I enjoyed it before it made my depression and anxiety worse.
That said... I'm not sure it should be legal. I know it's not a gateway drug, but I just seeing it as another excuse for people to be lazy. "Man, I'm stoned, I can't figure out/do that right now."
The people that know how to handle it? Good for you, but I see it as another way it will make the younger generations that much lazier and less motivated.
I don't like the fact we spend so much tax payer money to put people in jail over it either.
Again, I'm on the fence. I couldn't even tell you what I would vote on this law if I had the chance.
Originally Posted by Fly
whether you smoke it or not..........if you're stupid and lazy........then that's it,you're stupid and lazy.
That is very true fly and I agree with that. My main problem with it is, when does it become an "illness" like alcoholism has become? When do we start having people on disability (I know you can't get it because of drinking, but I personally know people on it because of drinking health problems they lied about) because they have smoked so much weed that they "Can't help it, I *can't* stop if I wanted too" crap we hear from heavy drinkers/smokers. When does it become another excuse for people to do nothing with their lives because of this now legal drug.
Yes yes, I know they are going to be that way on pills/booze/anything else, but I don't know why we should add something else to that list of legal items that they can blame their problems on.
Call me a negative nancy, but I see all the bad things that happen when this comes about.
I wish we could let people who could handle weed (or pills/booze for that matter) have access to it and keep those away that are just going to use it as an excuse to be shitty people all around. I know we can't do that, I just wish we could.