Surprised at the amount of pot users here. Huh. To me, pot users have always been stupid and lazy. I've never been proved wrong as of yet, I've never met a user I liked as a person. Not saying any of you on TFP are, I'm just saying I've never met anyone who doesn't exhibit bad qualities.
I think it would lose allure. Seems that some of the thrill in it is that it's illegal. Doesn't California have bigger problems? Like, having no money. That seems like a better place to start than legalizing marijuana. As old Arny said himself: "WE HAVE NO MONEY."
I don't see the appeal in it, but if someone else wants to do it then they can go for it. I can go either way about this, but I lean more towards keeping it illegal, as it makes (some) people stupid. I hate stupidity with a passion.
Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.
Give me convenience or give me death!