Originally Posted by RogueGypsy
Reading further in the article, it appears those left out are the very people it was claimed to be for, this whole campaign has been a sham from the beginning. This article coming from NPR (does it get more Liberal?) literally made me laugh out loud.
At least 1/3 of the people not covered (as estimated here) are not Americans - they're illegal (or 'undocumented') immigrants Can you even imagine the firestorm if the bill covered them??
Of the rest, they are people who aren't covered by the mandate because of a very low income - but these people are also the people who will get subsidies to buy private insurance. Even so, some people will not sign up - that's absolutely inevitable in any voluntary system, especially an 'opt-in' one - some people won't properly fill out the paperwork, some people won't just to be curmudgeonly, etc.
What we (evil commie socialist liberals) wanted was some sort of real government healthcare - essentially, in some form or another, everyone would have healthcare coverage.
Why don't we have that? Compromise! The conservative wing of the Democratic party (not to mention the entire Republican party) simply would not go along with government healthcare. So you get a compromise, that isn't government healthcare, and by definition will not cover all Americans, for the reasons I just stated.
If you don't like it, vote for the most liberal candidate for running for congress in your district in the next election.