So I read these posts and wondered if there was anything worth saying or commenting on and all I came to was that it doesn't matter if your republican, liberal, democrat, leftist, righty, pro bill, no bill, it really in the end doesn't matter a hill of beans if we can't work together toward a resolve with amicable results, that is what we all truly want.
We all want are neighbors healthy, we all want life, liberty and the pursuit if happiness, we all want personal freedom, and none of these can be achieved with petty childish behavior and name calling.
Pigeon-holing people and judging them because of what party they like to drink at, really isn't America. The best party ever, no matter, is the one we are all at together. There is just no excuse for violence among our brother and sister Americans, it is a lack of maturity and self control in individuals who lack self discipline, shame on them.
I do not agree with terrorist mentality or behavior, it damages all the fair perceptions of honest and good American character not just party lines, fuck politics, it reflects on all Americans as a nation and depicts us as the immature nation we are, adolescent and growing, the youngest nation in the world, we do have our growing pains, lets just hope, somehow we grow together and not apart, for all our sakes.
Stop party line name calling, it's just immature, a person crosses the line when they resort to violence to express their opinions, period, at that point they are just a criminal, not a patriot, we all know that, republican or democrat, we are still in this together.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does
p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes.