Originally Posted by dc_dux
It helps 30+ million uninsured...that is a huge improvement by any reasonable standard.
It helps nearly 200 million currently insured by prohibiting excluding pre-existing conditions and setting limits on out-of-pocket expenses, among other benefits (free preventive care, including such procedures as colonoscopies and mammograms).
The unions are not exempt from the plan.
The 'Cadillac' union health care plan is indeed exempt from taxes meant to fund the bill.
Nor are members of Congress who will be required to join the Insurance Exchange when it is operational.
It does not cut Medicare...it cuts excessive payments to Medicare Advantage providers.
But, you're correct...it is not universal and it does not happen immediately.
Beginning in 2014, more far-reaching measures will begin to take effect. States would be required to set up new "exchanges," or insurance marketplaces, that would offer a variety of health care plans for small businesses and individuals who do not get coverage from their employers. Government subsidies would be available to those earning up to 400% of poverty. Employers with 50 or more workers who do not offer coverage would be fined, and for the first time, most people would be required to obtain health coverage - either at work, or by purchasing it on their own - or pay a penalty.
All of this would be paid for in two ways: By reducing spending on Medicare by hundreds of billions, and by imposing a set of new taxes, including a 40% levy on
certain high-priced insurance policies.
Obama's Health Care Reform Bill Passed - Yahoo! News