Idyllic, Your post started out to be fairly objective until you brought up your experience with tricare. After that you then made assumptions about the new system(which is still private)that the "man" is gonna be knockin on all our doors tellin us what kind of care we get. Might have well just said "Death Panel" and have been done with it. If these things don't exist in other countries where there is actually true socialised medicine, why on earth do you think it would happen to a system that is still privately owned?
As for tricare, I understand that with ANY system of insurance there will be horror stories. I sell supplemental insurance, generally used to fill the gaps that mainstream health insurance doesn't cover. When speaking with employee's during their enrollments(I usually speak with about 5 thousand employee's a year) I come across a small percentage who are in the military and have tricare. They NEVER buy anything from me. Their answer is always "nope don't need it, I've got tricare" This is also true for retired military who also have govn't benefits. They completely outshine most "cadillac" health plans. They won't even sign up for their companies group plan, even when it's 100% employer paid(which I admit is very rare anymore)
"Your life is Yours alone...Rise up and live it"
Last edited by rahl; 03-24-2010 at 01:21 PM..