VERBATIM from bill H.R. 3590
20..... ‘‘(a) QUALITY REPORTING.—
21..... ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 2 years
22..... after the date of enactment of the Patient Protection
23..... and Affordable Care Act, the Secretary, in consulta
24..... tion with experts in health care quality and stake
25..... holders, shall develop reporting requirements for use
26..... by a group health plan, and a health insurance
1...... issuer offering group or individual health insurance
2...... coverage, with respect to plan or coverage benefits
3...... and health care provider reimbursement structures
4...... that—
5...... ‘‘(A) improve health outcomes through the
6...... implementation of activities such as quality re
7....... porting, effective case management, care coordi
8....... nation, chronic disease management, and medi
9....... cation and care compliance initiatives, including
10..... through the use of the medical homes model as
11..... defined for purposes of section 3602 of the Pa
12..... tient Protection and Affordable Care Act, for
13..... treatment or services under the plan or cov
14..... erage;
15..... ‘‘(B) implement activities to prevent hos
16..... pital readmissions through a comprehensive
17...... program for hospital discharge that includes pa
18..... tient-centered education and counseling, com
19..... prehensive discharge planning, and post dis
20..... charge reinforcement by an appropriate health
21..... care professional;
22..... ‘‘(C) implement activities to improve pa
23..... tient safety and reduce medical errors through
24..... the appropriate use of best clinical practices,
1....... evidence based medicine, and health informa
2....... tion technology under the plan or coverage; and
3....... ‘‘(D) implement wellness and health pro
4....... motion activities.(page 26-28)
So, The Secretary, “Federal Government,” in conjunction with the Doctors, and the Stake Holders, or insurance companies shall all work together to discuss how best to get you out of the hospital as quickly as possible and reduce your return, (obviously this will save them money, correct) All sounds good until you realize the control they will have in this process of “helping you to get better swiftly and stay that way, lets see how they will so graciously help you.
10..... purposes of subsection (a)(1)(D), wellness and health pro
11..... motion activities may include personalized wellness and
12..... prevention services, which are coordinated, maintained or
13...... delivered by a health care provider, a wellness and preven
14..... tion plan manager, or a health, wellness or prevention
15..... services organization that conducts health risk assess
16..... ments or offers ongoing face-to-face, telephonic or web
17..... based intervention efforts for each of the program’s par
18..... ticipants, and which may include the following wellness
19..... and prevention efforts:
20..... ‘‘(1) Smoking cessation.
21...... ‘‘(2) Weight management.
22..... ‘‘(3) Stress management.
23..... ‘‘(4) Physical fitness.
24..... ‘‘(5) Nutrition.
25..... ‘‘(6) Heart disease prevention.
1....... ‘‘(7) Healthy lifestyle support.
2....... ‘‘(8) Diabetes prevention.
3....... ‘‘(c) REGULATIONS.—Not later than 2 years after the
4....... date of enactment of the Patient Protection and Afford
5....... able Care Act, the Secretary shall promulgate regulations
6...... that provide criteria for determining whether a reimburse
7....... ment structure is described in subsection (a).
8....... ‘‘(d) STUDY AND REPORT.—Not later than 180 days
9....... after the date on which regulations are promulgated under
10..... subsection (c), the Government Accountability Office shall
11..... review such regulations and conduct a study and submit
12..... to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pen
13..... sions of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and
14..... Commerce of the House of Representatives a report re
15..... garding the impact the activities under this section have
16..... had on the quality and cost of health care. (page29-30)
So we will have “highly trained” individuals who will obviously be in this more for “our blessed help” than their own money, quotas, or answering to the Government and the Insurance company as to why they failed and you became a burden once again on the new governmental health care system.
You will be monitored as they will do everything within their power to reduce the number of readmits, as well as the number of admits to begin with.
You can bet your PCM(your new Primary Care Manager) will document if you smoke, drink, exercise, etc…. and this information will be available to other “professionals” who will attempt to reduce health care uses by reducing health risk issues.
You will be that health care risk, somebody will be contacting you to help you with your problems, so as to help all our people reduce the health care bill you must also participate not only in your share of payment but in your share of healthy lifestyle participation, so all Americans can live a better life, you to must participate in these programs, or maybe we will penalize you. These go hand in hand.
If you think this will stop at your door step and you can remain anonymity in the new nation of “support” I fear you will be greatly disappointed, It comes to my attention to ask all of you who think this is the greatest gift, to tell me how many times you have had a governmental agency show up at your doorstep because you receive assistance from their funding, it is a mandatory inclusion to have physical social assistance directives arrive knocking when you receive free assistance from the government, we have let them pass it, and when they come knocking, you will be required to open your door.
Why do I say this, my son received assistance for speech therapy through the government as a Tricare benefit referral by my governmental paid Dr. Before any assistance was granted, I had to submit to a in house meeting with the speech therapist and a home counselor, then we had weekly to bi-weekly in home speech therapy for over a year, when he enrolled into government paid child assisted programs for children with developmental disabilities, again before he was admitted an in home interview was required.
The government is going to take every opportunity to protect its assets and by that it needs to assure its investments are sound, you will be its investment, you will be sound.
Ask me about social services and how lovely that arena is, how great the governmental agencies of care and fostering for the safety of your children are. There is simply nothing as great as private practice, private assistance, private, private, private. That privileged assistance will become an exclusive club retained only for those who can afford it, and after all these new taxes and fees and mandated purchases, we will all be broke so don't expect any privacy, especially if you ask for help.
The realities of what you are signing away when you receive you brand new Health care Card with your special number will be less a gift and more a responsibility to the government, don’t you remember the most fundamental saying in situations of fraud, if it sound to good to be true…… and NOTHING, NO, NOTHING IS FREE.
There is still a lot more of this bill to read, and yes I will interpret it from the viewpoint I feel best answers my questions, but at least I am questioning this “law” I am not just looking to the sky and dancing for the new free bandages falling from it.