I laughed out loud when I read this. What a masterful stroke of the pen, this is becoming a fiasco.
Health Care For All Leaves 23 Million Uninsured - Shots - Health News Blog : NPR
When President Obama signed health care overhaul into law Tuesday, did he fulfill a campaign promise to "bring health care to all?"
A map of the uninsured in the U.S.
The short answer is no. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the overhaul law, as it expected to be amended by House fixes, would eventually cover 32 million more Americans. But that would leave 23 million that would still be uninsured by 2019. So maybe it's not universal coverage? But who gets left out?
Reading further in the article, it appears those left out are the very people it was claimed to be for, this whole campaign has been a sham from the beginning. This article coming from NPR (does it get more Liberal?) literally made me laugh out loud.
I think we need Mike Holmes to write the bill -"If you're gonna do it, do it right the first time."-