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Old 03-24-2010, 11:35 AM   #174 (permalink)
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Location: The Great NorthWet
Originally Posted by rahl View Post
This is why there can be no intelligent discussion. When you can't point to specific passages in the actual text of the bill to post why you disagree(be it fundamentaly or idealogicaly)we end up with 7+pages of things like this.

I'm not specifically pointing you out Winchester, just that virtually all the opposition to this bill is the same.

-So is virtually all of the support-

And it sounds something like this:Those against "rabble rabble rabble SOCIALISM" Those for "there's nothing in there that's socialistic" Those against "rabble rabble rabble your killing america" Those for "How?" those against "rabble rabble rabble DICTATOR, THE GOVN"T IS TAKING OVER HEALTHCARE" Those for "go and read the bill, there's nothing in there about the govn't taking over healthcare, it's still privately owned" Those against "rabble rabble rabble I DON"T NEED TO READ IT, I CAN TELL WHEN AMERICA IS DIEING"

I was staying out of this one, but reading this thread I've had the same thought's as above. But, pertaining to both sides of the argument. Frankly I down loaded and began to read the health care bill. By page 250 my head was swimming. There are so many amendments it's hard to follow.

Both sides of the argument are based on heresay. I don't recall a single line of the bill being post by those for or against. Of course that would mean posting the lines that amend or rescend the original line as well.

What I see here is the same thing I've seen and heard for the past year:

1. Conservatives think Oblahblah is the anti-christ.
2. Conservatives are creating conspiracies in their heads.
3. Conservatives want poor people to die.

1. Liberals think Oblahblah is the savior.
2. Liberals think the world is rainbows and unicorns.
3. Liberals want to save everyone with other peoples money.

From my point of view, if there is some sort of conspiracy, this type of debate is exactly how one would want to hide it.

For a minute forget about the '30 million' uninsured. Yes it is a huge number, but it is only 1/10th of the population. It is unrealistic and counter productive to cater to such a small segment of society. Remember too, they do have access to health care through emergency rooms. They are not left out of the system.

Does anyone wonder why it takes 2000 pages to introduce what has been tagged here as a 'basic' health care reform? What would a comprehensive reform bill look like? 10,000 pages? Why do the government and union systems remain untouched? Where is all this money really coming from? Why overhaul something that works at 90%, wouldn't rational thinking dictate you fix the 10% that's not working? What is going to happen when 100,000,000 illegal aliens are granted amnesty and introduced to the program? Why can't the bill be written in a readable manor?

Politically I'm just about dead center, with a slight lean to the right. Which I believe is what would best represent this country in government (or a slight lean to the left, slight being the operative word here on both sides). This bill is pushing everyone to the extremes in an effort to make a point.

I for one, would like to get back to the OP's format. But for both sides. If you aren't posting an actual line from the bill, it's simply opinion. Supporting or not, post an actual line to argue. What do you say??

Meanwhile I'm going back to melt my brain with another 250 pages of double talk and amendments.

Have fun.


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