Originally Posted by dippin
So groups with common interests get together and try to influence politics and policy? And sometimes they succeed? Isn't that how democracy is supposed to work?
And are they really doing this in secret when they have webpages with missions statements? Or are you some sort of undercover agent who had to dig deep to find all of this out by yourself?
Have you people really never been scammed? Never gotten the shaft? Never gotten screwed, taken, had, made a fool of?
How, pray tell, is it so hard to see that there are crooks in the whitehouse, and there have been every since its establishment.
What is different now from its inception, is that the system is hundreds of years progressed, and the issues that were being dealt with way back when have mostly been conquered. NOW, with GREATER NUMBERS, and a DUMBER, MORE CORRUPT PUBLIC, they can whack away at more supporting structures, and send the country further into decay..
What do I mean decay? I mean instead of reading 27 different stories about rape and murder, then reading 15 different stories about child rape and murder, you'll be reading 33 different stories about murder, and 35 different stories about "unlawful" kid sex and subsequent dismemberment. It's only unlawful for a little while longer, as the decay gets worse and worse.
I mean instead of randomly taking a tour of a school, and witnessing 3 fights, 12 kids that are obviously on drugs, 42 pregnant teenagers, 8 deadbeat teachers that buy drugs from the kids, and 2 assistant principles that are having sex with their faculty, you'll be going through school and seeing television ads promoting such behavior, and even more participation, and even more unusual activities that have little to do with being human, much less education.
I mean, THE SOUL OF THIS COUNTRY IS ROTTING, and you wish to speak to me as if its the most wonderful smell.. I vomit at the smell of death and decay!