Originally Posted by Idyllic
I don’t like it and you can say all the good and wonderful misconceptions about this bill you want to, in the end however you cannot change the simple fact, this singular fact;
It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to do this to the American people; the Federal government cannot mandate all Americans to purchase whatever they decide we should buy.
The 10th Amendment of the Constitution was created to prevent this from happening, to prevent the Federal Government from doing this to its people, from requiring the people of the U.S. to participate in the purchase of health insurance, or anything, as a demand or be penalized.
Say all you want deny all you want, cover and cherry coat all you want, but it is wrong, it will always be wrong, and if you deny this fact, you deny the fundamentals of the America way.
If they want to tax us, TAX US, a flat rate for health care, that may be a consideration, but then the insurance companies would be out, and they don't want that, the insurance companies would not have helped to push it through.
Don't any of you get that the insurance company wanted this too, they paid and pushed for it to pass and not because they love Americans, but because they love the money it will make them, what’s with the middle man Obama, why pay a middle man for health care when the government will inevitably be in control.
The bill states over and over again how there will be governmental intervention in all aspects of health care from preventative care to end of life, and not just hello care, we are talking affirmative action care with investigations on all matters from you to the doctors to the hospitals.
If you look you can find plenty of articles that talk of the down-fall of governmental health care, the delays the lack of continuity the lack of follow-up and follow-through the lack of equipment and the shortages of supplies, etc.
This is the wrong bill. It really is that simple and those who disagree don’t truly understand the freedom of being an American, and what the repercussion of the loss of that freedom this represents, not to mention the precedence it will set if it does become law and what additional doors of socialist impositions it will open.
It time to wake up and shake off this attempted takeover people, unless you’re just done with personal freedom.
I’m not against health care for the masses, but this isn’t the answer, to violate our freedom, to violate our trust with the backroom shenanigans, this isn’t the right way to treat this country, or the amazing people who reside within it.