Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
What he is stating has nothing to do with the insurance company. It has to do with Dogzilla's wallet. Ultimately, the costs associated with this expanded coverage will come from our (yours, dogzilla's and my) wallet.
Exactly. I firmly believe the role of the federal government is to only fund a small set of essential services and not to assume that it has the right to redistribute my income.
Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
To simplify this and every other political argument to its core:
There are people who believe that the haves should be required to pay for the havenots.
There are people who believe that the haves should not be required to pay for the havenots.
Internet hair-splitting isn't going to change people's core positions.
Those wealthy people who believe income should be redistributed to the poor would have a whole lot more credibility if they spent their net worth, including the value of their home down to something under $5 million helping the poor. It's rather hypocritical for somebody like Ted Kennedy to have a yacht and expensive property and then claim that the government has the right to redistribute my income because I'm better off than somebody who earns less than I do.