I recently read the CBO scoring of the PPACA. I can not imagine any person who reads it actually believing the cost estimates and the deficit reduction impact. In fairness to the people at the CBO, they are required to work within the totally unrealistic assumptions given. The cuts projected will not materialize, the savings projected will not materialize, the proposed new taxes will be altered, and ultimately young people will bear the cost of this fraud long after those who passed it are out of office - unless it gets fixed. It is amazing they got away with this without ever answering any specific questions or getting off of their talking points.
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch."
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion."
"If you live among wolves you have to act like one."
"A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers."