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Old 03-23-2010, 08:40 AM   #23 (permalink)
pai mei
pai mei's Avatar
You said "people will always want stuff". And "progress is inevitable".
If there are not enough free people, deciding among themselves how to build that ship, and not arguing about who does what - there will be no ship. Let people be free, and then we will see what they really understand by "progress". Maybe they will have better things to do.
Maybe you say "people need a leader" ? Free people have leaders too. Informal ones. They follow the one who they respect the most. So : the people wanting the ship, will follow someone who knows how to do it. Either they settle things among themselves - as free people, or - no ship.
About education here :

Carl Jung
"The whites always want something; they are always uneasy and restless. We do not know what they want. We do not understand them. We think that they are mad."

I asked him why he thought the whites were all mad.

"They say that they think with their heads" he replied.

"Why of course. What do you think with?" I asked him in surprise.

"We think here," he said, indicating his heart.

I fell into a long meditation. For the first time in my life, so it seemed to me, someone had drawn for me a picture of the real white man. It was as though until now I had seen nothing but sentimental, prettified color prints. This Indian had struck our vulnerable spot, unveiled a truth to which we are blind. I felt rising within me like a shapeless mist something unknown and yet deeply familiar. And out of this mist, image upon image detached itself: first Roman legions smashing into the cities of Gaul, and the keenly incised features of Julius Caesar, Scipio Africanus, and Pompey. I saw the Roman eagle on the North Sea and on the banks of the White Nile. Then I saw St. Augustine transmitting the Christian creed to the Britons on the tips of Roman lances, and Charlemagne's most glorious forced conversions of the heathen; then the pillaging and murdering bands of the Crusading armies. With a secret stab I realized the hollowness of that old romanticism about the Crusades. Then followed Columbus, Cortes, and the other conquistadors who with fire, sword, torture, and Christianity came down upon even
these remote pueblos dreaming peacefully in the Sun, their Father. I saw, too, the peoples of the Pacific islands decimated by firewater, syphilis, and scarlet fever carried in the clothes the missionaries forced on them.
You say you are not a slave ? I am telling you: we could have not only the basics but even a Mercedes and a villa for everyone. (But I say - only the basics, then everyone does as he wishes. Maybe there are people who don't care about a Mercedes) And working less than today. But we are insane. When there are too many houses - we get "Crisis" ! Our own system denies it. Everyone having everything - it's our system's nightmare ! So - we will make sure that does not ever happen. Keep destroying the planet, turning it into garbage, for our economy to work, else no jobs - meaning no access to the basics....

This is 1927:
The Gospel of Consumption | Orion Magazine
In a 1927 interview with the magazine Nation’s Business, Secretary of Labor James J. Davis provided some numbers to illustrate a problem that the New York Times called “need saturation.” Davis noted that “the textile mills of this country can produce all the cloth needed in six months’ operation each year” and that 14 percent of the American shoe factories could produce a year’s supply of footwear.
One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game"

Last edited by pai mei; 03-23-2010 at 08:49 AM..
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