Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
As for the video, forgive me if I'm skeptical of a user who calls himself "1NationUnder1God3in1." The video says it is referring to H.R. 3200, which might be useful if it weren't for the fact that the bill the House passed is H.R. 3962. H.R. 3200 never even made it to a vote, and its last activity was Oct 14, 2009. But hey, pan, I'm glad you're making sure to get up-to-date information.
Even still, this 1NU1G3in1 guy "quotes": "HEALTHCARE RATIONING" where you will find lines referencing limitations to cost-sharing, conveniently leaving out the preceding "provision of quality health care and financial security, that— [...] does not impose any annual or lifetime limit on the coverage of covered health care items and services;" and other such items.
How are limitations on cost-sharing "healthcare rationing"? I can't say I'm completely familiar with how these thing work, but isn't this in reference to how much you pay as a co-payer?
Maybe I'm confused because of the video....
And this is just one example, by the way.