Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Being locked in to your ISP is definitely something to consider, but the counter-argument is that having an ISP e-mail address shows that you are a responsible enough adult to pay the bills on time and get that e-mail address. I've seen compelling arguments on both sides of ISP vs free e-mail provider.
You can purchase a
yourname@yourname/company.com email from yahoo, hotmail or gmail for either a monthly or yearly price. But a free and web based email is the way to go just in case you have to check your email and you are nowhere near home.
The guide applies for ALL jobs. Yes, you will be more than likely get the job at McD's faster than the IT admin but you will have bills to pay in the mean time so if you were fired for some stupid shit like insubordinate behavior or attendance points then you can't collect unemployment. That and unemployment sucks. Here in NC they pay you two thirds of what you made last year, I am unsure for how long. I am uneducated so I make an estimated 19,000 a year. Which means I'll get less than $12,670. Screw that.