Originally Posted by dippin
I look forward to the day when someone actually posts something factual against the current reform. Rage is no substitute to reason.
I can say this: Dennis himself in interviews has said he was browbeaten and truly had no choice but to vote the way party leaders told him. His voice is cracking, he's showing his age..... I truly feel sorry for the man. I may not have always agreed with him but again, I reiterate, I HAD THE UTMOST RESPECT FOR HIM. Dennis in his heart always showed he cared about his district and now, watching him, listening to him.... he's a fucking shadow of himself... THAT IS WHAT PELOSI, OBAMA AND THE FUCKING POWER HUNGRY LEADERS OF THE DEM PARTY HAVE DONE.
Sorry, but I just find it very sad for the country when they have to do this to someone who actually cared. It's all about POWER.
Today, the US has officially become late stage Rome with Barrack Room Emperors.