Originally Posted by derph65
If he love the game so much why did he go Hibernate He committed an excusable crime, basically cheat so Be a fricken Man about come out deal with it Not fucken hibernate like a whippy sissy... Thats whats odd He can be a Great on the Course but To be a Man He needs to Mature! He needs a lesson in Life if you ask me.......
Not hibernate? Who did Tiger hurt by his actions? His family, that's what he was dealing with, he doesn't have to prove anything to his 'public' he has to live with his family, that's the relationship he has to fix first, what you see as being a 'whippy sissy' is somebody taking responsibility for his actions and trying to get his personal life sorted.
To be a man, what the hell does that even mean, the guy is dealing with the harm he caused his family, to me that says enough that he is being a man about things.