Originally Posted by Idyllic
Culmination of thoughts reviewed, personal observations and opinions, but why I feel the way I do about this bill.
Here’s a small example of what this change you’ll be paying for will buy you and your neighbors, enjoy;
But wait, there’s more, how about what a Dr. who already has knowledge of government regulated healthcare has to say about this bill;
Today, if this bill passes, will be the end of American Exceptionalism. We will watch as our nation slowly follows along the lines of old world thinking and eventually end as a nation of underachievers tired of working for “The Man.”
Believe what you will, this has been tried and tried again by previous presidents and has not passed because it is not based on American Constitutional Values. If this is what they really want, in this manner, then let the states individually decide to implement it, at least that way I can MOVE to another state that won’t force this bull shit on me.
Here’s a taste of your new neighbors, good luck America, we are going to need a miracle to get us out of this mess, Thanks a lot Obama, Thanks for nothing.
Yes, entitled, that’s how all are children will grow up, entitled to sit on their asses and be taken care. Way to go America. Way to instill that American way of work for success, create your own future, become something more that average.
Why should they work hard when average will just be so much easier and less complicated. When the necessity to fight for survival, or even achievement, past the mundane is removed, we will all be like sheep, easily controlled.
Eventually, even the people who do want success and struggle so hard for the reward of their efforts to achieve success realize that most of their hard fought for income goes to supporting the average, people will stop trying. Excellence in America will become a rare commodity, you can just start calling us The United Kingdom of the American States, under the thumb of our master, the new monarchy of Big Government. Of the Big’ Brother’
But at least Obama will go down in history, as the 1st Black/white President, and the man who changed it all. I can barely contain my excitement.
Potus, mabus, alpha omega. Just an observation, not that crazy, yet, I'll save that till were all bleating.
The problem with the current debate is that we can't even get to debate the actual proposal, given the insurmountable amount of falsehoods presented by those against it. Let's check it out:
Neither bill mention anything about auditing the books of all employers that self-insure on page 22.
Page thirty contains neither a section 123 nor a mention of a govt. committee that will determine who gets what benefits.
In fact, all sections in the senate bill have 4 digit numbers, and there is no section 123 in the house bill.
Lines 4-16 in page 29 do not ration health care. This section of the house bill has a section restricting when insurers can rescind coverage, and the senate bill is exceptions to certain types of reporting group insurers must undergo.
Page 42 says absolutely nothing about the HC choosing benefits. In the house bill it contains a section preventing insurers from denying coverage to children with deformations, and of the senate bill has requirements for states to get money to provide health care for the high risk pool (who are currently uninsurable).
Page 50 contains neither a section 152 nor a stipulation that health care be provided to illegal aliens. Page 50 in the house bill eliminates lifetime limits, and the senate bill deals with early retirees. There is no section 152 elsewhere either.
More importantly, the house bill, in its section 347 prohibits payments to undocumented aliens, and the senate bill only allows benefits to be extended to aliens lawfully present in the US.
This debate would be much more productive if instead of just posting whatever random piece of propaganda one came across, they fact checked it themselves. Whoever created that pile of lies was probably counting on people being too lazy to read the bills to realize it.