Originally Posted by ottopilot
Will, I sincerely believe the sentiment of this statement should make everyone here feel very uneasy. I don't mean in a right-wing "sky is falling" way. An uneasiness like you may experience before jumping head-first from a very tall bridge in to an unfamiliar dark and murky stream. However, all you know is that you want relief and the lure of doing something new seems appealing if not exhilarating. What would be your deciding factors for making the 'jump" (or not)?
Data, pure and dispassionate data. This is a fall others have made before us and jumping off this particular ledge has without exception been fruitful, certainly more fruitful than the ledge we're falling off now. This isn't about hope or ideology, this is about success rates. Single-payer and even nationalized health systems in industrialized countries are higher in quality and lower in cost than private systems like the one people in the US under 65 have. This has been established countless times across dozens of threads here on TFP.