Originally Posted by Idyllic
I believe most physicians – all those I have spoken with – oppose a new government health plan
Uh, like the American Medical Association, American Hospital Association, American Nurses Association, or American College of Physicians? All of which support the plan and all of which recognize that
something being done is better than nothing, even if this plan is not perfect. After all, perfect is the enemy of good.
Originally Posted by Idyllic
American Exceptionalism
Awhile back - I forget where - I responded to one of your posts and said it sounded like nationalism, and you said you were not nationalist, merely patriotic. The entire concept of American Exceptionalism is, without a doubt, nationalist, and those two words color the entirety of your post. So much so that I have a hard time taking it seriously (and for the reasons filtherton stated above). (The capitalization of the phrase "American constitutional values" has equally odd implications.) Nationalism really is an ugly thing, and it blinds one to thinking about their country and their future in rational terms.