Originally Posted by dippin
The funny thing about these "MY MONEY" rants is that the US has been in deficit for a very long time now, and the main culprits are the military, medicare and social security. In other words, the people outraged at paying other people's welfare checks, etc. aren't actually even paying for the things that they will themselves use (military, ss, medicare).
Another interesting thing is that the people who seem most worried about the government forcing them to spend their money to subsidize the health of others already do so via their private insurance.
If you don't want to spend your hard earned cash subsidizing the health of other people, then you shouldn't have insurance at all.
And holy shit, if only the world were so simple and fair that no one ever had to do anything they didn't want to do! I came to terms with the fact that my tax dollars were being used to pay for things that I didn't want them to pay for (in addition to things that I did want them to pay for) when I was an adolescent. The "tax dollars getting spent on things some folks don't like" cat has been out of the bag for a while. It's actually how things have to be.