Step 1: Get any kind of healthcare reform passed. Step 2?
I'm sure the lion's share of moderates and progressives here are unsatisfied with the healthcare bill that will likely be passed on the coming days. I would have preferred a push for single-payer and then maybe a few concessions to get the necessary blue-dog votes. Instead we got the public option as a starting point and now... we'll see. C'est la vi.
So let's say the likely happens and this bill is passed. A few relatively minor things begin to change, and people recognize these things despite the sky-is-falling rhetoric from the right. What happens next? Undoubtedly, progressives will continue pushing for additional reform, I know I will. But what's the next baby step toward real reform? Should we push for a real public option or should we push for Meicare for all?
I'm honestly not sure and I'd like to get your input.