Originally Posted by rahl
The morals(or lack there of) that you took upon yourself to judge about both Tiger and all the Girls he slept with.
Let me word this properly so as not to offend you any more,
These girls BEHAVED like stupid idiot bitches, they acted like a bunch of douche bags. They all knew he was married, they knew he had kids, what a bunch of pathetic selfish unintelligent trolling high school minded girls they appeared to behave like.
See I am not judging Them, I am merely making stating a personal opinion about how I saw their BEHAVIOR, and how damaging their and Tigers behavior was. I could care less about them personally; it is their behavior I am remarking about.
No society states that it is morally wrong to have an opinion, let alone judge someone, since when is it morally wrong to judge someone, every body judges people.
But, your right, to make any Judgement of their character I would have to know if they thought is was morally o.k. for them to f**k a married man and I guess if they did think it was morally right then I would judge them less as whores and more as just not respecting themselves enough. Again, Every body judges, you’ve already judged the person you believe me to be because of my posts, and I can tell you, whatever you believe isn’t going to change how I feel about what these women did.
But if it will make you feel better, I won’t judge you for being so morally upright, thanks for trying to be my conscience. I’ll pass on your implied judgement of my lack of morals, maybe next time.