Originally Posted by Idyllic
The whole damn thing just sucks for everybody involved, including golf. Why the hell didn't he think this through first. I'm sure you men know the answer to that better than I do, I just hope most of you recognize what it did to his wife and his family, I guess that's what bothers me most.
I can understand that, he did hurt his family a lot by his actions.
p.s. minor leagues or not, your living your dreams, that should count for a lot, to get to do what you always wanted and be even minor league good at it is exciting and a great accomplishment. I know athletes work hard, I've got two blown knees, ended my track dreams real early. Yeah I probably could have worked my way through it, but life got in the way.
Ouch, sounds like me, only I have two blown shoulders, and you need shoulders for hockey, much like track would suck with two blown knees, but yeah, life does get in the way of a lot of things, oh the good ole athletic days, seem so long ago lol