Originally Posted by Derwood
Right, because 30 million people don't have insurance because they're lazy and irresponsible
There's a fair amount of medical care in this country that is the direct result of people making poor lifestyle choices. Problems related to obesity, smoking, alcohol, drugs, random sex, etc are the direct result of lifestyle choices. If someone makes a lifestyle choice with bad consequences, I should not have to pay for that.
Originally Posted by Derwood
I assume when you retire you will pull yourself up by your bootstraps and say no to all Social Security and Medicare offered by the evil federal gubment
That's another government ripoff.
Considering that I've paid about 12% of my income (I pay half directly and the company pays the other half instead of putting it my salary) for quite a few years, no. But fear not. I'm also covered by 401K, pension, and a few investments so I won't be a total drain on the government.