Originally Posted by dksuddeth
then you have a problem. i've said this before, and it really is very simple should you choose to look at it that way. The constitution is written in plain and UNAMBIGUOUS words. it's only 'vague' when people wish to 'interpret' the wording in a way that they choose to suit them. constitutional scholar is nothing more than a term used to describe a person that reinterprets the constitution to suit an ideological perspective. that is all.
the exact wording and text AT THE TIME IT WAS WRITTEN should be all you need to understand it. anyone else proclaiming otherwise is not interested in the vision of america, but their own vision of life.
Sorry bro, I know I can't change your mind on this since your a strict constructionist and all but you are quite clearly dead wrong. The infallable founding fathers didn't have a magic crystal ball to see into the future, or the problems we'd face in it. So the constitution needs to be changed from time to time to suit the current situations, when it doesn't need to be changed, really smart people(scholars) can make laws that are still well within the bounds of the constitutional language.
I won't waste my time or yours with any further posts regarding the constitution.
/thread jack