Originally Posted by dlish
Tigers duty is to play golf. Thats what his destiny has always been from the day he was born.
What ever duty he has in his private life is really nobody's concern. He may have commited the crime, but he's paid for his sins in more ways than one. a public flogging, loss of income, rehabilitation amongst other things we dont know about.
For those that decide to boycott Tiger, there's always the people that were never golf fans that have now been brought into the golfing fold, and will follow Tiger with earnest. Exactly what Tigers sponsors and the TV stations want.
They won't be following because of his golfing skills, he's just another actor in a dramatic soap opera now.
I'm not about boycotting anyone, I just think it's sad that everyone one is seemingly accepting his inappropriate behavior as just another athlete being himself. I don't want my kids to look up to a man who can't even be honest with himself in his personal life. I could give a shit about his golfing, if he wasn't a professional who worked his whole life to be admired for something he wouldn't even matter, but he does, I just can't explain to them why he can be so good at golf and so bad at commitments made to his own wife, which directly impact his children.
Every time I see him now I see the images of his childrens faces and imagine how they will be teased because their father had to go to Sex Rehab, because he couldn't be faithful to their mom. They will forgive him, but it will permanently alter the way they look at men, and commitment to relationships, and will Elin ever trust him again. How will growing up in a family of mistrust effect their future. These are the realities of what he did, no matter how great he is or gets, no matter that he didn't want to be under that glass, no matter how much a personal issue this is, the reality is he will never be the man he was before, the whole thing is just sad.

---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 PM ----------
Normal people just don't stick their dicks into 13 + different women within their first few years of marriage. And yeah, to a lot of people it did matter, and I find them much more normal then him.