Originally Posted by pan6467
And the people that CAN"T afford the insurance? How many millions are working for less than $10 an hour and are barely able to make it NOW, let alone add the cost of insurance to that? Who pays for them? You're going to tell those people who can barely live on what they make they HAVE to buy insurance they cannot afford or be fined or go to prison???? And if government does pay for them, then where does government draw the line on who they pay for and who they don't? And for those government pays for is that not pretty much going to be Medicare and Medicaid? And what of the "Cadillac Tax" for those who can afford better insurances?
What about those unemployed, the people who can't work but can't get disability because the SSI has denied them?
This is the WRONG BILL and the Dems are committing suicide by ramming it through the way they are. Passage of this will be a very sad day for the USA.
This has nothing to do with increasing the gap. You might not like the mandate, but that is another subject.